Hire Freelance Data Center Architect

Data Center Architects are knowledgeable about the specific requirements of a company’s entire infrastructure. They take into consideration various needs that the company might have including power, cooling, location, available utilities, and even pricing. Data Center Architects are also responsible for the physical and logistical layout of the resources and equipment within a data center facility. A critical aspect of their professional duties, they specify where and how the server, storage network, racks and other data center resources are physically stored. They are intimately involved in interconnecting the resources/devices and arranging of physical and logical security workflows.

With cloud technology giving rise to Data Center Architects, businesses are in search of skilled on-demand professionals, fieldengineer.com is a platform that provides professionals to showcase the skills that are beneficial to businesses. So, sign up and land a job as a freelance Data Center Architect.

According to Indeed, a Data Center Architect salary is approximately $93,092 per year. An estimated 36 months is required to attain certification.


Read More: Hire Freelance Data Center Architect

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